Hey Badass Mom...
Get Ready To Take Your Life Back!

The 21-day Badass Mom Mindset Mini-Course
will turn your normal mom routine into a next level badass life
so that your life isn't filled with
struggle, lack, drama, negativity or self sabotage.

"You work helps me EVERYDAY. They have literally changed my life. I am forever a better human being because of your work and am monumentally grateful for you!"
Christie Day-Gee- Badass Mom, Chicago, IL
The 21-day Badass Mom Mindset
For Moms Who Want to Swap the Normal Mom Routine for their Badass Mom Next Level Life!!!
Badass Life Challenge Special Offer
Only $97!

Plus....Limited Time Bonus!
Sign up now and receive my
Creating An
Unstoppable Life
mini-course FREE!
In this deep dive training, I share the 6 steps I've used and shared with my high achieving clients to help them design and step into their next level life. (a $97 value)
This 21-days is for you if you are tired of feeling:
This 21-days is also for you if you want to create a reality that you love and an effortless, FUN, and happy life.
It's no accident that you landed on this page.
Your inner power is already starting to open up and lead you into the direction of the life you desire.
You truly deserve the life of your dreams AND to be a Badass Mom, too!
You CAN have it ALL. I'm living proof. Let me show you...
Your Modern, Independent, Successful,
Happy, Healthy, Badass Life is Waiting!

Let's get rid of what no longer serves us and focus on what matters most.
We'll find more time to be present and hike our way back up this mountain of happiness, together.

My name is Steffani LeFevour, and I'm inviting you to WAKE UP with me and shift the shit that's irritating the heck out of you in this badass 21-day (online) mini-course for your Soul... like a 21-day long "spa day" to give yourself and your mind a BREAK.
I'm DONE! Done making excuses and living a life I don't LOVE. Done thinking shitty thoughts about my life, my body, my parenting and my potential. Done getting triggered and exploding at my kids. I'm DONE!
Are you feeling "DONE" too?
I'm so glad you found me!
You see, for decades, I struggled in life. I used to think I needed to suffer through each day. I used to live in lack, and what felt like never-ending drama, and negativity. I felt unworthy, not enough, and was self-destructive.
I didn't have an easy road in life. Does anyone?
My sister died when I was 11 years old and believe me, that rocked my family to our core.
My Dad was an alcoholic and left us.
My Mom raising 5 kids while working full time had it really hard. I decided at a young age to give up. I didn't think a joyful happy life was possible.
I didn't believe I was worthy of it.
And then something amazing happened...
I found out about a thing called MINDSET.
Learning how to master my mindset brought me back to life. It taught me how to build a crazy happy, insanely fulfilling life that I love.
Even while being married to a guy with an Irish Catholic temper. Even with a colicky baby. Even with homework struggles, ADHD diagnosis, my own fears and worries.
When I can manage my thoughts I can create ANYTHING I really desire. Even the inner peace and fulfillment that all Moms strive for.
And guess what? I want this same amazing-ness for you!!!
You can create this too.
Your life doesn't need to be filled with struggle, lack, drama, negativity or self sabotage like mine was.
Your life can feel abundant, sexy, fun, and free!!
It starts with your thoughts.
There is an INCREDIBLE power inside of you.
But you have to know how to open it up and use it.
That's where I come in.
What Other Badass Moms Say...

At first, a year or two ago, I thought your level of happiness was a little superficial, unrealistic, and a bit "show-off"... BUT after some time and self reflection, I realized I saw you this way ONLY because I wanted exactly what you possessed. True, Genuine, Authentic Happiness. Since having worked with you, I know for certain that you are 100% the real f'in deal! You are the happiest person I know and a HUGE inspiration to me and thousands of others. Thank you for being in my life! Thank you for being so Gosh Dang Frickin Happy and for inspiring me to be as happy as I can be!"
Holly D. Larson - Badass Mom, Denver, CO

"Steffani, thank you so much!!! I just had the most amazing, healing conversation with my mom. This week has been all about healing relationships... with myself, my husband, my mom and my dad. I am feeling in my heart SO clear that I am shifting. I am actually using the tools and processes that you shared with me, on a DAILY basis. Thank you, thank you, thank you!
Megan Bhatia - Badass Mom, Chicago, IL
Say "YES!" to an INSANELY Fulfilling Life!
Whether you are looking for more meaning, purpose, fulfillment, love, health, wealth, or fun...
The 21-days to a Badass Mom Mindset is your answer!

The 21-Day Badass Mom Mindset Mini Course will be the ultimate pampering for your mind, body, and soul. Together, we will change our thoughts with like-minded women who are driven, and committed to reaching their goals!
You won't only receive this badass 21-day online course... but you'll have a Badass Mom Sisterhood alongside you on your journey to give a to add a whole new dimension of inspiration... and motivation to kick ass, and rise to the occasion.
You will receive dynamic support, accountability, and brain juju from some seriously powerful, action-oriented, and successful women that know exactly what it takes to balance being a legit MOGUL and a legit MOM (at the same time).
Discover how to change your mindset...
and you can have ANYTHING you want!
The 21-day Badass Mom Mindset
For Moms Who Want to Swap the Normal Mom Routine for their Badass Mom Next Level Life!!!
Badass Life Challenge Special Offer
Only $97!

Plus....Limited Time Bonus!
Sign up now and receive my
Creating An
Unstoppable Life
mini-course FREE!
In this deep dive training, I share the 6 steps I've used and shared with my high achieving clients to help them design and step into their next level life. (a $97 value)

"Thank you SO much Steffani! I followed & did the entire journey. I appreciate your wisdom & generosity as you shared your learnings, teachings & gifts with us. I loved the program & look forward to the inner circle!!!"
Tiffany G
Steffani Lefevour
As a best selling author, an international speaker and a happiness coach, she's helped hundreds of people master the law of attraction, shift their mindset and transform their relationships so they can live their higher self and find more daily happiness.
Steffani's helps Badass Moms manifest their ideal life vision, remove limits, and raise the bar to their next level life.
She's formed and run over 15 mastermind and accountability groups. She's trained Enneagram Master, a Passion Test facilitator and a Byron Katie “The Work” teacher.
When she's not chasing after her 2 kids, you can find her writing, traveling, teaching, working by the pool at Soho House and running high end masterminds and retreats.
What Other Badass Moms Say...
"Thank you SO much Steffani! I followed & did the entire journey. I appreciate your wisdom & generosity as you shared your learnings, teachings & gifts with us. I loved the program & look forward to the inner circle!!!"
Tiffany G.
"I absolutely loved Day 3 video! There were so many great ways to help shift my mindset. I’m taking the time to focus on what I’m grateful for and feeling good! Thanks Steffani Fort LeFevour. <3"
"Thanks so much for this retreat Steff! I've had so many wins that I'm CERTAIN that the trajectory of my life is pointing to the stars. Thanks also to all the ladies that shared their journeys - I learned a ton from you all and can't thank you enough."